From Thought to Reality
Natasha Iregbu Natasha Iregbu

From Thought to Reality

I didn't set myself any expectations of what would happen after sharing my book with the world. I simply knew that I wanted it to reach as many children and adults as possible.

The one goal I did have was to find out how I could get Slow Down Amaya stocked in a library.

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The Mindful Reconnect
Natasha Iregbu Natasha Iregbu

The Mindful Reconnect

Navigating accessing additional support for your child in school, through CAMHS (or waiting years on the waiting list), and other services they require can cause you to feel like you are exhausted and reaching burnout.

Which likely means you don’t have the time or energy to take care of your wellbeing.

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Connecting to Values
Natasha Iregbu Natasha Iregbu

Connecting to Values

I have started creating my first online course for parents of children with Additional Support Needs/Special Educational Needs.

This is a new aspect of my business, however I have a lot of experience supporting parents and children with ASN/SEN in my community education related roles over the last 15 years. I am keen to do more work with this group of people in future. Who knows I might decide to make it my niche at some point!

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Author School Visits
Natasha Iregbu Natasha Iregbu

Author School Visits

Speaking about this led to a discussion about ADHD and Autism.

One of the children in the class asked “What is Autism?” another child told me they had a friend who has ADHD. It was great to chat about this with 5 and 6 year olds.

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Business Growth and Transformation
Natasha Iregbu Natasha Iregbu

Business Growth and Transformation

In my previous blog posts I shared my thoughts on leaving my comfort zone. Actively telling people about this course is another aspect of stepping out of my comfort zone. This is the first time I have developed my own course on diversity and inclusion.

This is a new branch in my business and an expansive way to reach new people in a different format…not on a yoga mat!

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Faith in the Unknown
Natasha Iregbu Natasha Iregbu

Faith in the Unknown

We all have different things we believe could be religious beliefs, faith, spirituality or something else.

You might believe you can't do something but when someone else does the same thing you have faith in their abilities.

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Officially an Author
Natasha Iregbu Natasha Iregbu

Officially an Author

During my author journey, I have learnt that I will regularly need to leave my comfort zone. Over time, this has resulted in feeling more comfortable and new opportunities.

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Celebrating Neurodiversity
Natasha Iregbu Natasha Iregbu

Celebrating Neurodiversity

I thought it was important for girls with ADHD to feel represented in books. Which is why I decided to make the main character female.

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Four Elements Mindfulness
Natasha Iregbu Natasha Iregbu

Four Elements Mindfulness

What we don't tend to think about is the journey flowers go through to sprout through the earth.

Much like when we see what others are doing in life, through a screen or in real life. You will only see what they tell you or show you. You aren't always aware of their journey.

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